International staff mobility

Our expertise and management firm has several lines of service, including one dedicated to the international market.

Since the global dimension can be difficult to control from a legal point of view, our accountants can assist you in this process and more particularly in the mobility of your human resource.

As employer you need to evaluate your mobility policy and ensure that it is watertight from an administrative, taxation and social point of view. Our firm has a team of international mobility consultants for individuals and executives who are experts in social mobility working with the technical support of our fellow members of Allinial Global which has a presence in over 130 countries.

If you are considering the secondment of employees to France as part of a split, if you wish to carry out short-term assignments in France, second one of your employees to another State, or even employ employees with expatriate status : our experts are at your side.




For the taxation aspect

Before mobility we review the impact in terms of residence from a taxation point of view and the country of taxation pursuant to internal legislation and international tax agreements.

We will set out your taxation arrangements and carry out taxation simulations.

We will examine your eligibility for favourable impatriation taxation schemes.

We will apply tax equalisation mechanisms where you wish to implement them.


For the social security aspect

Our team of consultants will refer to European legislation and bilateral Social Security agreements for secondment situations. We will draw up Certificate A1 applications.

For employers established outside France placing employees on secondment in France we will draw up SIPSI declarations for posting staff on secondment to France. We will also carry out registration in France of foreign companies acting as employers in France without being present in France with the Strasbourg URSSAF, social security department. To assist you in your decision-making we can create simulations to enable you to have a better understanding and assess the social charge and taxation costs for employees in the France under any Joint National Agreement convention collective.

Where you are active in a number of countries or act as an employer in a number of different countries we will draw up split salaries dividing between the different countries and host country shadow payrolls to establish pay and allocate taxation.  In the event of expatriation we can carry out your registration with the Caisse des Français à l’Etranger (C.F.E), the French Expatriates Social Security Fund.

With the skills of our experts on international subjects and solid experience, GMBA will support you in the international mobility of individuals in your company.

Optimize your procedures on French territory in order to ensure the secondment of your human resources and thus, guarantee them an ideal working environment.